Selina Publishers ICSE Textbook Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions. You can download the Selina Concise ICSE Solutions with Free PDF download option, which contains chapter wise solutions and answers to various subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology (PCMB). Selina Publishers Concise Class 10 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines. By studying these Selina ICSE Solutions you can easily get good marks in ICSE Board Examinations. sdffd
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6
- Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 10
- Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 9
- Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 8
- Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7
- Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 6
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 10
- Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Physics Class 10 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 9
- Selina Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Chemistry Class 9 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Biology Class 9 ICSE Solutions
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 8
- Selina Concise Mathematics Class 8 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Physics Class 8 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Chemistry Class 8 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Biology Class 8 ICSE Solutions
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7
- Selina Concise Mathematics Class 7 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions
Selina Publishers Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 6
- Selina Concise Mathematics Class 6 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Physics Class 6 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Chemistry Class 6 ICSE Solutions
- Selina Concise Biology Class 6 ICSE Solutions
Selina Concise ICSE Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter wise Answers
- Chapter 1 GST (Goods and Services Tax)
- Chapter 2 Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts)
- Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend
- Chapter 4 Linear Inequations (In one variable)
- Chapter 5 Quadratic Equations
- Chapter 6 Solving Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations)
- Chapter 7 Ratio and Proportion (Including Properties and Uses)
- Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor Theorems
- Chapter 9 Matrices
- Chapter 10 Arithmetic Progression
- Chapter 11 Geometric Progression
- Chapter 12 Reflection (In x-axis, y-axis, x=a, y=a and the origin ; Invariant Points)
- Chapter 13 Section and Mid-Point Formula
- Chapter 14 Equation of a Line
- Chapter 15 Similarity (With Applications to Maps and Models)
- Chapter 16 Loci (Locus and Its Constructions)
- Chapter 17 Circles
- Chapter 18 Tangents and Intersecting Chords
- Chapter 19 Constructions (Circles)
- Chapter 20 Cylinder, Cone and Sphere (Surface Area and Volume)
- Chapter 21 Trigonometrical Identities (Including Trigonometrical Ratios of Complementary Angles and Use of Four Figure Trigonometrical Tables)
- Chapter 22 Heights and Distances
- Chapter 23 Graphical Representation (Histograms, Frequency Polygon and Ogives)
- Chapter 24 Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Quartiles and Mode)
- Chapter 25 Probability
- Chapter 1 Value Added Tax (Old Textbook)
- Chapterwise Revision Exercises
- Mixed Practice
- Revision Paper 1
- Revision Paper 2
- Revision Paper 3
- Revision Paper 4
- Revision Paper 5
Selina Publishers Concise Mathematics for Class 9 ICSE Solutions
- Chapter 1 Rational and Irrational Numbers
- Chapter 2 Compound Interest (Without using formula)
- Chapter 3 Compound Interest (Using Formula)
- Chapter 4 Expansions (Including Substitution)
- Chapter 5 Factorisation
- Chapter 6 Simultaneous (Linear) Equations (Including Problems)
- Chapter 7 Indices (Exponents)
- Chapter 8 Logarithms
- Chapter 9 Triangles [Congruency in Triangles]
- Chapter 10 Isosceles Triangles
- Chapter 11 Inequalities
- Chapter 12 Mid-point and Its Converse [ Including Intercept Theorem]
- Chapter 13 Pythagoras Theorem [Proof and Simple Applications with Converse]
- Chapter 14 Rectilinear Figures [Quadrilaterals: Parallelogram, Rectangle, Rhombus, Square and Trapezium]
- Chapter 15 Construction of Polygons (Using ruler and compass only)
- Chapter 16 Area Theorems [Proof and Use]
- Chapter 17 Circle
- Chapter 18 Statistics
- Chapter 19 Mean and Median (For Ungrouped Data Only)
- Chapter 20 Area and Perimeter of Plane Figures
- Chapter 21 Solids [Surface Area and Volume of 3-D Solids]
- Chapter 22 Trigonometrical Ratios [Sine, Consine, Tangent of an Angle and their Reciprocals]
- Chapter 23 Trigonometrical Ratios of Standard Angles [Including Evaluation of an Expression Involving Trigonometric Ratios]
- Chapter 24 Solution of Right Triangles [Simple 2-D Problems Involving One Right-angled Triangle]
- Chapter 25 Complementary Angles
- Chapter 26 Co-ordinate Geometry
- Chapter 27 Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically)
- Chapter 28 Distance Formula
Middle School Mathematics Class 8 Selina Solutions By RK Bansal
1. Rational Numbers
2. Exponents (Powers)
3. Squares and Square Roots
4. Cubes and Cube-Roots (Including use of tables for natural numbers)
5. Playing with Number
6. Sets
7. Percent and Percentage
8. Profit, Loss and Discount
9. Simple and Compound Interest
10. Direct and Inverse Variations
11. Algebraic Expressions (Including Operations on Algebraic Expressions)
12. Algebraic Identities
13. Factorisation
14. Linear Equations in one Variable (With Problems Based on Linear equations)
15. Linear Inequations (Including Number Lines)
16. Understanding Shapes (Including Polygons)
17. Special Types of Quadrilaterals
18. Constructions (Using ruler and compass only)
19. Representing 3-D in 2-D
20. Area of Trapezium and a Polygon
21. Surface Area, Volume and Capacity (Cuboid, Cube and Cylinder)
THEME – 6 DATA HANDLING (Statistics)
22. Data Handling
23. Probability
Middle School Mathematics Class 7 Selina Solutions By RK Bansal
1. Integers
2. Rational Numbers
3. Fractions (Including Problems)
4. Decimal Fractions (Decimals)
5. Exponents (Including Laws of Exponents)
6. Ratio and Proportion (Including Sharing in a Ratio)
7. Unitary Method (Including Time and Work)
8. Percent and Percentage
9. Profit, Loss and Discount
10. Simple Interest
11. Fundamental Concepts (Including Fundamental Operations)
12. Simple Linear Equations (Including Word Problems)
13. Set Concepts (Some Simple Divisions by Vedic Method)
14. Lines and Angles (Including Construction of angles)
15. Triangles
16. Pythagoras Theorem
17. Symmetry (Including Reflection and Rotation)
18. Recognition of Solids (Representing 3-D in 2-D)
19. Congruency: Congruent Triangles
20. Mensuration
UNIT 5 : DATA HANDLING (Statistics)
21. Data Handling
22. Probability
Middle School Mathematics Class 6 Selina Solutions By RK Bansal
1. Number System(Consolidating the Sense of Numberness)
2. Estimation
3. Numbers in India and International System (With Comparison)
4. Place Value
5. Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers (Including Patterns)
6. Negative Numbers and Integers
7. Number Line
8. HCF and LCM
9. Playing with Numbers
10. Sets
11. Ratio
12. Proportion (Including Word Problems)
13. Unitary Method
14. Fractions
15. Decimal Fractions
16. Percent (Percentage)
17. Idea of Speed, Distance and Time
18. Fundamental Concepts
19. Fundamental Operations (Related to Algebraic Expressions)
20. Substitution (Including Use of Brackets as Grouping Symbols)
21. Framing Algebraic Expressions (Including Evaluation)
22. Simple (Linear) Equations (Including Word Problems)
23. Fundamental Concepts
24. Angles (With their Types)
25. Properties of Angles and Lines (Including Parallel Lines)
26. Triangles (Including Types, Properties and Constructions)
27. Quadrilateral
28. Polygons
29. The Circle
30. Revision Exercise Symmetry (Including Constructions on Symmetry)
31. Recognition of Solids
32. Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures
33. Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)
34. Mean and Median
‘Concise Middle School’ meant for ICSE students is a part of ‘Integrated Maths and Science’ with Concise Mathematics, Concise Physics, Concise Chemistry and Concise Biology books being brought out separately. The Solutions has been written strictly in accordance with the latest curriculum prescribed by the council for the ISC Examinations, New Delhi.

The main objective of the Selina Concise ICSE Solutions is to make the basic concepts are clear and interesting for the students. An attempt has been made to organize the contents carefully and present them in simple language, keeping in mind the needs of an average student. Through the help of simple diagrams, a conscious effort has been made to provide clear explanations for all aspects of the subject matter at the school level. Many experiments and activities have been described to make the learning more interesting and appealing. Each chapter has been summarized at its end under the heading ” Recapitulation” for a quick revision of the chapter. Detailed exercises are given at the end of each chapter to help the students test and assess their grasp of the subject in a self-help manner.
Great effort has been made to present the different topics in such a way as to elicit among students a spirit of enquiry, scientific temper and appreciation for chemical processes.
FAQs on Selina Publishers ICSE Solutions
1. Why should I Solve Selina Solutions?
Selina Textbooks are most sought after textbooks preferred by ICSE Students and the concepts are explained in a detailed way. You will have both easy and complicated questions to practice.
2. Is Solving Selina Solutions enough for Scoring High Marks in the Exam?
Solving Selina Publications will help students understand the concepts. Selina Publishers ICSE Solutions alone is not enough to score more marks. You need to refer a few other books and practicing is the best way to score marks in the examination.
3. Is Selina the best reference for ICSE Students?
Selina is one of the best reference books for students and the concepts will be given in a simple and comprehensive manner.
4. Where can I find Selina Solutions?
Selina ICSE Solutions for subjects of all the classes can be viewed through quick links available on this page or find them online.
5. Does ICSE board exam contain questions from Selina Books?
ICSE Board Exam will have questions from the Selina Books directly or indirectly. However, we can’t say all the questions will be from Selina Publisher Textbooks alone but the questions are most likely to appear in the ICSE Board exams.
We hope that both the teachers and students will enjoy learning through this Selina Publishers Text Book Solutions. Inspite of our best efforts, some shortcomings might have escaped our notice. We shall feel obliged if the same are brought to our attention. Also, we shall gratefully acknowledge suggestions and criticisms for the improvement of the Selina Concise ICSE Solutions.