What are the Principles of Treatment and Prevention

What are the Principles of Treatment and Prevention

Principles of Treatment
There are to ways to treat an infectious (communicable) disease. These are –

  1. To reduce the effects of the disease : It can be done by providing symptomatic treatment. We can provide treatment that will reduce the symptoms which are usually because of inflammation.
  2. To kill the cause of the disease, i.e., pathogens. The most common method to kill disease-causing microbes is to use medicines that kill microbes. We have to choose a specific drug that is effective against a particular group of microbes. This is what is achieved by antibiotics.

Principles of Prevention

Ways of Prevention of Infectious Diseases :
There are two ways of prevention of infectious diseases :

  1. General ways
  2. Specific ways

1. General ways of prevention of infectious diseases : These include

  1. Sanitation : Public hygiene is one basic key to the prevention of infectious (communicable) diseases.
  2. Eradication of vectors : Vector-borne infections can be prevented by providing clean environments. The breeding places of vectors should be destroyed and adult vectors killed by suitable methods.
  3. Sterilization : Patients’s surroundings and articles of use should be sterilized. Soap, phenyl, dettol, and antiseptic lotion may be used wherever necessary.
  4. Isolation  : A person suffering from an infectious disease shoule be kept in isolation so that others do not catch infection from him.
  5. Education  : People should be educated about the infectious disease so that they may protect themselves against such infections.
  6. Proper and sufficient food : Availability of proper (nutritious) and sufficient food to everyone will make people healthy to resist infections.
  7. Proper immunization against diseases.

2. Specific ways of prevention of infectious diseases :
Specific ways of prevention of infectious diseases relate to a peculiar property of the immune system that usually fights off microbial infections. This is the basis of the principle of immunisation.