Mirabai, also known as Meera, was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Lord Krishna. Her life is celebrated as that of a Bhakti saint. Despite facing criticism and hostility from her own family, Mirabai lived an exemplary life devoted to her love for Lord Krishna. She is known for her profound poetry, which expresses her deep spiritual connection and love for Krishna. Read More English Summaries.
Mirabai Summary
Mirabai Summary in English
Scene I
This scene opens in a room in the palace of Rana Sanga. Rana Sanga is the ruler of Mewar. The middle-aged Prince, looks older because of the many wounds he had received in battles. He is crippled. Rana Sanga is talking with his wife, the Rani and the son Bhojraj. Jaimall a Kinsman of Mirabai from Merta also stands there in anxious attention. He is a youngman and the confidante of Rana Sanga. They all are perturbed at the moment. The Rani is angry and Bhojraj is unhappy, The point at issue is the behaviour of Mirabai. She is only 16 years old. She is the wife of Rana Sanga’s son Bhojraj and a devotee of Lord Krishna.
Rana Sanga blames the parents o Mirabai lor turning Mirahai ‘s attention to religion when she should have been at play. [be Rani reminds Rana Sanga how she had always opposed the idea of taking a bride from Mena. Bhojraj’s complaint against his wil Mirabai is that she prays far too much. Rana Sanga sees no fault in that so long as Mirabat does her duty as a wedded wife and remains blameless morally. Ran, gives a hint that Mirabai is characterless Her hint is that Mirabai has an affair with her cousin Jaimall. But this ‘iew is not shared by Mirabais husband. Rani draws the attention of all the family members to the fact that on her wedding day. Mira had walked three times around the image of Lord Krishna.
Mirabai Poems
It was shocking because it amounted to her marrying Lord Krishna. Jaimall defends Mirabai. He points out that she has always been loving the image of Lord Krishna as other children love their toys. Rani is angry at his interference. She questions him what has Mirabai to do with him. She charges him with misguiding Mirahai. Rana asks her to keep quiet. Then he asks his son Bhojraj what he has to say against his wife Mirabai. Bhojraj complains that Mirabai spends a lot of time at devotions of Lord Krishna. She writes holy poems and does nothing to please him. Rani complains that Mirabai disobeys her orders and wishes. When Jaimall cqntradicts this allegation, She is furious again She wants him to get away. She calls him vain of his noble birth. Rana Sanga remarks that Jaimall’s pride is excusable because he comes of a royal family.
Bhojraj also takes a firm stand his mother’s allegation that Mirabat has any romance towards her cousin. He tells his mother that she is most unfair to his wife Miraba: Rani’ another allegation against Mirabai is that she has refused to meditate Durga, the Goddess of the house. The Rana supports his wife and decides to question Mirabai about it. Rani with tears asks him to be firm while dealing with Mirabai. Bhojraj quits the palace. The Rana is hopeful that Mirabai will remain polite and gentle, but Rani knows that Mirabai is tough as granite.
Mirabai Short easy
She retires into an inner chamber.Mirabai’s arrives and stands before the Rana with bent head and folded
hands. Rana asks her to send away her attendants. She is frightened. Mirabai requests that her old nurse may be allowed to stay with her. Rana Sanga grants the request but he wants the nurse to face away from them. He starts cross questioning her. He wants to know if she has been defying the Rani. She submits that she has been paying due respect and honour.
His second question is about her religious learnings. She worships Lord Krishna and not Durga, the guardian of their spiritual strength. She submits that it is question of personal faith. The Rana calls it an act of defiance. But she contends that she will die if she is not allowed to worship Lord Krishna. The Rana becomes soft and advises her to stop too much, of brooding. It tells her to play with children, mix with women and get ornaments to wear Fie warns that unless she stops worshipping Lord Krishna. there would not be peace between him and her. Mirabai bares her neck and offers herself to be done to death. He feels awkward. He thinks that she is mad and dismisses her. His parting advice is that she should give up her sickly habit and prepare herself to bear children.
Scene II
The Scene is in a room of Rana Sanga’s palace assigned to Princes Mirabai. Among her companions one is Sanjogta. She has followed her from Merta. Then there is an old nurse. She is at the moment stringing some gold beads. Sanjogta remarks that the weather is stormy with thundering clouds in the sky. The nurse adds that the weather conditions are equally bad inside the palace also. Mirabai has been living like a prisoner in her apartment for three days. The Rani is up to some further mischief. The nurse prays to God for the safety and security of Mirabai. The little saint who/is as pure as white lotus.
Mirabai Summary Class 11
Sanjogta recalls an incident. Once her mother had slapped her because she did not have the luck to go to Mewar’s Royal House as a bride. The nurse calls her fortunate. She points out how difficult the life of Mirabai is. The Rani hates her, envies her beauty and is jealous even for her son. Mirabai is facing the danger of being poisoned. The nurse gives Mirabai food prepared all by herself. She has no friends with in the palace. The Rani has no love for those from Merta. The nurse laments that Mirabai is obstinate and refuses to repent if only to pacify the Rana.
Just then a maid servant brings a basket of fruit for Mirabai. Mirabai is busy in singing her prayer, as if she were speaking to some dear friend or lover. She refuses to believe that she is all alone inside. The maid servant wishes to hand over a message from Raja Jaimall to Mirabai. She refuses to give it to anyone except Mirabai. She is ready to be slapped as she had been the other day. She declares that she will wait until Mirabai comes out of her room. Mirabai comes out of her room. She has grown very thin. The servant gives her the message that Jaimall wants some token of lover from her.
Mirabai tells that she does not need anything as help from her cousin. When the servant is gone, the nurse ealls her a wicked woman whose job is to poison the Rani’s ears. She was an emissary of the Rani and not of Raja Jaimal. The nurse curses the day when they left. Their state for Mewar. But Mirabai does not grumble. She calls it a part of their destiny. She says that her mother had dedicated her to Lord Krishna when she was only six years old. But her devotion to her lord is causing hardships to all those who love her. She is sorry for brave Jaimall who has suffered disgrace and driven out of Mewar on her account.
Mirabai Short Poems
Outside a dispute is taking place between the guards and some women. Soon two female attendants enter, carrying a tray with a golden cup standing on it. They say that this charnamrit is from the Rana Sanga, Lord of Mewar. The nurse raises a hue and screams that Mira will hot drink from the Rana’s, She knows very well that it is poison. Sanjogta also starts sobbing. She wants to drink it herself. But Mirabai does not allow her to do so.
She agrees to drink the contents of the cup herself because only a person from royal family is entitled to drink it. She lifts the cup to her lips. She is ready to die. She drinks it off at one go. But a miracle takes place. The poison does not affect her at all. She goes on chanting her prayer. She says that she has bought her Lord Krishna at a price which some call too high and other call to small. But she has paid to him her life, her love, her soul and her all.